Julie is a fully registered Psychologist (Registration number 0001634350) with significant experience working in acute community mental health, the youth homelessness sector and juvenile detention. She took some time from clinical practice to focus on her children and family and provide care for family members. During that time, she completed Delta therapy dog accreditation and with her miniature schnauzer, regularly visited the oncology/ palliative care and eating disorder wards at Westmead hospital. Julie brings a wealth of life experience to inform her clinical work and understanding of the people she works with.
Julie has a warm, non-judgemental approach and feels strongly about the importance of clients feeling safe, secure, and supported in sessions. She understands the value in forming a strong therapeutic alliance, and how important it is for clients to know that she’s on their team, ready to help them deal with challenges they may be facing. She is a compassionate, empathetic, and patient Psychologist, who is committed to tailoring treatment to each and every client.
The therapeutic models used include:
Julie McMaster works as an independent Psychologist consulting at Centre Point Psychology. She maintains full professional autonomy in the treatment of her clients.
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